Why choose mediation?

by | 23rd Oct, 2020 | Alternative Dispute Resolution, Families, Individuals, Mediation, Organisations

Why choose mediation? Mediation is confronting for people in conflict. It might seem like a terrible idea to sit face-to-face with someone you are in conflict with. However, when it’s…
Mediation can help parties work through conflict, sooner

Why choose mediation?

Mediation is confronting for people in conflict. It might seem like a terrible idea to sit face-to-face with someone you are in conflict with. However, when it’s set up in the right way, mediation can save money, time and achieve results that last.

What is mediation?

Mediation offers a tried and tested process where parties sit down with an independent (or neutral) third party to talk through issues in dispute, and develop options to resolve those issues.

Why choose mediation? Here are five reasons it might work for you.

1. It’s cost effective.

Parties can spend thousands in legal fees battling it out in court to resolve a dispute. Mediation can save money by getting to the heart of the matter sooner.

2. It’s flexible.

Mediation can be adjusted to make sure all parties get a chance to be heard in a safe way. Mediation can take place face-to-face, by video, by phone, or even by shuttle, where the parties are in different rooms and the mediator ‘shuttles’ between the rooms.

3. It gets to the heart of the matter.

Court proceedings and lengthy negotiations can get people stuck in a ‘position’ mindset. Mediation assists parties to think about their own (and the other party’s) needs and interests, which helps move people towards a mutually agreeable solution that meets all parties’ needs going forward.

4. It minimises conflict, instead of increasing it.

Court proceedings can leave people focused on the negative and this can inflame conflict, rather than address it. Mediation can help people discuss what’s led to the conflict and try and work a way through it.

5. It can improve relationships.

People often end up in conflict because of bad communication. Mediation can give people the tools they need to communicate better. This is really important for anyone who needs to have an ongoing relationship with the person they are in conflict with.

Is mediation the right choice for you or your organisation?  Contact Renee Toy to find out why you might choose mediation.
